
This template was configured to simplify deployment on caprover, since that is what I use 99% of the time.


CapRover is an extremely easy to use app/database deployment & web server manager for your NodeJS, Python, PHP, ASP.NET, Ruby, MySQL, MongoDB, Postgres, WordPress (and etc...) applications!

Official site

CapRover is a self-hosted PaaS solution, think heroku but on your own servers. Nowadays, I tend to prefer PaaS solutions over manual deployment and configuration, as they are easy to use with little configuration to deploy most apps. Software is usually quite a pain to deploy and even though I've gotten better at it over time, I'll always choose a managed solution over manual deployment. Some other options than CapRover are:


I recently discovered django-simple-deploy which can configure your django project for some of the alternatives to caprover I listed above.

I find that self-hosted solutions are generally cheaper than managed/hosted solutions, but I don't have much experience with managed solutions, so I could be wrong, do your own research and if you can afford it, try them out to see what works best for you.

After installing CaProver with the getting started guide, there is not much left to do, create a new application and in the section deployment. configure your application using the third method Method 3: Deploy from Github/Bitbucket/Gitlab.


If you use github, instead of entering your password directly into the password field, you can use a personal access token, which is a more secure option.


Checkout caprover automatic deploy to automate the deployment of your applications.